Saturday, April 30, 2011

Stay tuned and trust me

There are several things in life that at the time they happen we don't often understand the reasons for why they happen the way they do.  I seem to have more than my share of these moments.  God in His infinite wisdom sometimes lets us in on the plan and then other times He just says "stay tuned and trust me." I have often had a hard time with why people I love have passed away or why relationships that I wanted so badly to work just didn't. God has shown me that while I miss people like my Mom and my Nanny terribly, they were suffering while they were here.   They are in Heaven now without pain and I will see them again so it's not the end.  As far as relationships go, sometimes God takes people out of our lives that are not good for us and then other times He puts people in that are truly blessings.  A little over two years ago I received a call from a guy that said my Aunt Carol had given him my phone number.  We exchanged pleasantries and only talked a few minutes.  I didn't hear from him again so I didn't think anything else of it.  A little over a year later he called again and said he would like to meet me and have dinner.  I thought, you can't meet too many new people or have too many friends so why not.  I went to dinner and we had nice conversation.  He said we would talk soon.  We maybe talked once more and sent a few texts but nothing beyond that.  I wondered at the time what God had in mind.  Was this person meant to be a friend or what was the reasoning for all the time in between?  I thought about it a little more this time than last but didn't dwell on it.  Then almost a year later I received a text asking how I was.  I answered and the texts continued occasionally for a couple of months.  After a few phone conversations we decided to meet for lunch and exchange Christmas presents.  Something was different this time.  We began to talk a lot more and through conversations, lunches and a movie here and there started getting to know each other.  For some reason we are able to tell each other anything including our deepest hurts, our hopes for the future and everything in between.  I have gone through a lot in my life and haven't always had much confidence.  I feel like I have just existed mostly instead of really lived.  This person has added so much to my life by praying for me, accepting me for who I am and most of all for encouraging me with all the positive changes I have made in my life. I can just be myself and that's enough. It makes me want to be better and to do more.  I have always felt like you should tell people what they mean to you because you never know when they will be gone.  I don't know if I can articulate what this person means to me or if he will ever know what a true difference he has made.  I do know that he is a welcome blessing that I am truly thankful for.  It's one of those situations where God said "stay tuned and trust me" and I'm so glad I did!