Saturday, January 1, 2011

He's Still Working On Me

I have such a love for creative writing.  I am new to blogging and due to the suggestion of a friend who has done it for a long time, I have decided it would be a great outlet for me.  I have been through many things in my life and I have survived all of them but only by God's grace.  Because of some of those things I have often felt inferior and as though I am not worthy of the good things in life.  I have prayed very specifically for the past two years for God to teach me how to be the person He created me to be.  Two weeks ago in our evening church service our Pastor gave invitation for anyone who needed to pray to come forth and do so.  I felt an overwhelming urge to go and pray.  While I and a friend of mine were praying the Pastor said he felt like some of the church members should come and pray with us.  This is not something that happens often.  Usually whomever needs to pray gets to do so and the Pastor will sometime pray with them.  I felt like a weight had been lifted when I finished praying.  God really spoke to me and I felt like He was letting me know that now is the time for the transformation to begin.  I know God has always had a plan but I didn't understand how He would not let something I prayed so hard for happen when I needed it so badly.  I understand now that when we hear that everything happens in God's time, that's really the way it is.  It is not going to be an easy transformation for me to go through and I know I will have many lessons to learn, but I also know it will all be worth it.  Maybe God saw that I was not ready for the work to begin until now.  I don't know what God has planned but I know that whatever He holds for me will be the right thing and I am open for it.  Today is the first day of a new year and I don't make resolutions but this year my goal is to let God work.  God made the whole world in just a week.  I believe He is going to take His time with my transformation but as long as He is still working on me, I will eventually be the person He meant me to be.  I look forward to the journey...........................

1 comment:

  1. Ginger, I'm really glad that you are beginning your journey in the blog world. I know blogging has been a really nice outlet for me. I want to do better this year about blogging - especially in my biggest loser blog :)
